Medicines Online Directory Toolkit

Medicines Online Directory Toolkit

SAHPRA has launched an Online Medicines Directory. Please visit:


The Online Medicines Directory has been launched for Schedule 0-2. The job is to increase awareness and use of the directory amongst consumers, patients and healthcare providers. This toolkit provides Market Authorisation Holders (MAH) and SAHPRA activation guidance. In order to promote transparency, both are included here.


The toolkit provides essential creative guidelines and resources to ensure consistency and alignment across all marketing and promotional platforms. From the visual identity to messaging guidelines, this toolkit equips you with the tools to effectively increase awareness and use of SAHPRA’s Online Medicines Directory.

Download latest version
Version: 1
Date Updated: 03/10/2023
File Type: www
Category: Guide, Guideline, Presentations, Toolkit
Unit: Corporate, General ECTD & human medicines